My mom used to wake me up each morning for school at 5am singing and dancing. She was my human alarm clock and, to my dismay, there was no such thing as hitting the snooze button! I used to moan and groan but now…many years later, I have become my mother’s daughter. And it turns out that waking up a little earlier and starting the day right is one of the big secrets to creating a happier and more successful day.
Each morning, set aside 20 – 90 minutes for a beautiful morning ritual that will set your day off on the right foot and help you to make healthier choices all day long. Yes, it might mean setting your alarm a little earlier, but starting the day right is an essential part of creating the kind of day (and life) where you feel inspired, connected, vibrant, and in the flow.
There are many ways to begin the day and create a morning ritual. I spend an entire week focusing just on this in my Radiant Lady Lifestyle course. Good habits just feel good. And who doesn’t want to feel good? Here is a list of ideas that I mix and match depending on my mood, season, location, and allotted time. Although 90 minutes would be an ideal, luxurious morning ritual, you can streamline your morning self-care into 20 minutes. Don’t let time be an obstacle.
Here are some ideas to get you started:
First, gratitude. My feet don’t hit the ground (and I don’t even consider glancing at my IPhone) until I have offered up some serious appreciation for the multitude of blessings in my life. Gratitude creates an expansive inner feeling of joy and contentment. A good way to start the day.
Wake early and watch the sun rise. There is no better way to get in rhythm with the cycle of the day and expand your awareness than watching that magnificent big ball of fire light up the sky each morning.
Write in your journal. Maybe you do a brain drain to help organize your day or maybe write a gratitude list or some positive affirmations. Or, write about whatever is currently inspiring you and feeding your soul.
Tune in. Spend some time in prayer, meditation or a few minutes of visualization.
Simple Steps to Visualization:
• Close your eyes.
• Take 3 deeps breaths.
• Visualize how you’d like your day to go and how you want your future to look.
Focus on the way you want to feel during the day and as you breath; marinate in that feeling.
Hydration. Hydrate in the morning! Drink warm water – with lemon and 1 tbs. of raw apple cider vinegar if you wish. Too little water can result in fatigue, hunger, sugar cravings etc. Start your day by hydrating!
Read a daily affirmation or passage from an inspiring book.
Prioritize your to-do list. Write out your top 3 things to do that day. Do the most important thing first. Do the other 2 things if you can. Leave the rest for another day. The world will keep turning if you don’t finish every single task today.
Move your body! Morning movement (even if only for a few minutes) is a very important piece of creating vibrant health. Try to breathe through your nose and break a sweat with your movement routine. Ideal hours for exercise are anytime between 6-10am. Moving during this time provides you with greater strength, endurance, and energy throughout your day.
Liquid love! Have raw green energy (kale, dandelions, wheat grass) at breakfast: a green smoothie or green juice. If you feel hungry after then have warm gluten free grains (quinoa flakes with berries and shredded coconut) or fresh fruit.
My go-to green smoothie:
1-2 cups coconut water
2-3 Handfuls kale, spinach or other dark greens
1 banana
1 handful frozen or fresh blueberries
1 cucumber
1 small avocado
Offer it up for others. Light a candle or burn some incense and send some intentions and prayers to others in your circle or in the world who need some extra love right now.
Oil up! Rub coconut or sesame oil into your skin. Self-massage is one of the key habits for health according to Ayurveda. Spend some time caring for yourself this way before you hop in the shower. You don’t even need to wash the oil off – let what remains post-shower be your moisturizer for the day!
Every single morning we have an opportunity to choose where we will place our attention and how we will spend our time. Too often, we jump out of bed and immediately fall into the rushed energy of getting ready, packing lunches, getting kids to school, answering emails, walking dogs etc. and before we know it we are swept up in the frenetic energy of the day. We can use the early morning hours to expand our relationship with time; to make more clear and conscientious choices about how we will spend our time and what we will create each day.
Today, think about how you spend your time and whether it reflects your true intentions and priorities in life. We all have obligations, but commit to aligning at least a part of your daily routine with your big life goals. If self-care is a true priority, (and I hope it is! ‘cause you are worth it) then make time for it in the early morning so that it doesn’t get swept away in the busyness of the rest of the day.
Morning mindfulness is the secret ingredient to creating a beautiful day!
Have a great morning!
P.S. I go much deeper into all of these healthy habits and more in my Radiant Lady Lifestyle Online course. We work together to create a beautiful and inspiring lifestyle where you will experience more inner and outer body beauty, increase your energy, move closer to your ideal weight, and learn how to live your life with more ease and flow. To join the next group (starts in September) click here to get on the list and have a free consultation with me. We will discuss where you are at with your health and self-care, where you want to be, and decide together if this course is the right fit for you.
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