I have just returned home from the mythical, magical land of Avalon! I spent the past week wandering through Glastonbury and the surrounding area and it was…divine. I was with my yoga teacher and a group of amazing women from around the world on a pilgrimage to see the rock formations of Stonehenge and Avebury, the healing waters of the Chalice Well, and other ancient sites associated with the Divine feminine.
When I told people I was going to Avalon the responses I got ranged from, “Oh cool, Avalon! Now where exactly is that again?” to “Avalon? You do know that isn’t a real place don’t you?” Well…real is a matter of perspective I suppose…
I confess this was not a typical summer vacation to the beach or a European capitol or yoga festival. I love all those things – don’t get me wrong! But this year I really wanted to make a special trip that would bring me closer to my heart, closer to the way I want to feel all the time: Sacred. Free. Magic. Luminous. Cracked wide open.
I cannot explain why, but when I first heard about this trip everything inside of me lit up and I knew I had to go. I have made several pilgrimages over the years and entering into that stream of intention, prayer, and exploration always leads me straight into my heart. This particular trip was especially potent as it wove together many pieces of my own background and personal path and ultimately brought me home to my own heart. It made me feel exactly how I want to feel.
You see, once we are clear on how we want to feel, we can begin to build a life that supports us in feeling that way more and more of the time. Decisions become easier and life is more fluid. What really changed for me once I uncovered my core desired feelings was that life became more ease filled. I let go of striving to reach goals for outer approval. I released my need to fit with anyone else’s idea of success or happiness (or where to vacation) and I started living life on my own terms. I let go of relationships that brought me down, commitments that were not aligned with my soul, and my so-called daily grind became much lighter and more fulfilling.
Getting clear on my core desired feelings made such a difference in my life, that I decided to lead workshops to help other women get clear on their heart’s true desires. I hope you will join me for my next online course Feel Good: a Desire Map Workshop that begins this Tuesday evening! We meet as a group once a week for 5 weeks by phone. This is an interactive workshop to discover what you want most out of life. Based on the best-selling book The Desire Map, we get straight to the heart of the matter: How you want to feel?
Something magical happens when you focus on creating your core desired feelings:
‣ You remember your light, your true nature, your source — the life source that connects us all.
‣ You use your preferred feelings as a guidance system for making choices and for being more present and alive.
‣ You are able to access comfort and clarity during painful times.
‣ You accentuate the positive aspects of your life, while still honoring, and not invalidating, the negative parts that you want to change.
When you’re planning your yearly goals, holiday plans, building your career, you’ll have your core desired feelings in mind.
When you’re choosing whom to invite, how to react, what to give,
you’ll have your core desired feelings in mind.
When you’re in pain, when you want things to be different, when choosing how to act, you’ll have your core desired feelings in mind.
When you go to sleep at night and when you wake up in the morning, you’ll have your core desired feelings in mind.
Join me in the virtual circle of sisterhood and support and discover what it truly means to follow your heart.
Desire more? Ya, you do!
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