Welcome to 2015! May this be a blessed and radiant new year for you.
I am excited to announce that my teaching focus for 2015 will be the year of the CORE!
Core: essence, origin, root, foundation, heart, nucleus.
There is a lost of talk about core strength in the yoga and fitness world. One of my teachers once said that “true core strength is the ability to love all parts of yourself.” Reflecting upon that teaching was partly what inspired me to post a picture of myself in a bikini in my newsletter. Those close to me know that I am very modest – you know, the girl who hides in the bathroom stall to change while the other women walk naked around the locker room? Yep, that used to be me. The one hiding.
One of the things yoga has helped me with the most is learning how to embrace myself as I am (not just the parts of myself I like, but all the parts) and develop a true sense of self-worth that is not dependent upon others’ approval. Part of that process meant learning to trust my gut and live from my center.
The word core comes from the Latin word cor which means heart. To me, a strong core means being true to and living from your heart. It means being strong enough on the inside to love yourself – even the imperfect parts – and to trust yourself.
It is hard to love and trust yourself if you are pretending to be anyone other than who you really are – someone everyone else wants you to be! That is why this year is dedicated to strengthening and aligning with the core of all you really are and all you are becoming.
It has been a long and challenging road, one that I am still struggle with sometimes, but every day I am trying to love myself as I am now. Not when I lose 10lbs or erase my wrinkles or grow my business or stop losing my temper with taxi drivers… Of course there will always be aspects of ourselves we want to improve and evolve, but we can try to love the imperfections and be true to ourselves along the way. This is my practice. This is what I am trying to do and I want to help you to do the same. You see, I believe that only when you really REALLY love yourself do you have the power to actually make a positive change. So let’s start loving and valuing our perfectly imperfect selves today.
“If you begin to understand what you are without trying to change it, then what you are undergoes a transformation.” J Krishnamurti
I am super excited about many new offerings I have for you this year! My hope is that these different programs will inspire each of you to reconnect to your own core (heart, essence, root, foundation) and develop some radical self love in the process. Those of you in my yoga classes will notice more focus on poses that create strength and lengthening of the deep core muscles. If you are in any of my coaching programs we will be unlocking your core desired feelings and using them as a compass for designing your wellness map and inspired life. This Spring I will lead a group cleanse, Radiant Gut, (online!) that will focus on detoxification and rehabilitation of the gut which is in essence, the core of your organ body and emotional GPS. And coming soon (February) I will launch my dream project – Radiant YOU! 10 Weeks to Inner and Outer Body Beauty. (click for all the inside info) This online program will help you cultivate the essential core habits every person needs to reach optimal weight, vibrant health, an awakened heart, abundant energy and a clear mind.
I am not interested building your washboard abs or in developing a 6-pack. Nope. Couldn’t care less. The core I am talking about is a far greater strength. It is the innate power to unleash your deepest desires, create extreme health and vitality, accept and love all parts of yourself, and know how to trust in and be guided by your essence to live your life in deeper alignment with the core values and truth of who you really are.
I will be popping back by soon to give you some yoga tips, delicious recipes, downloadable meditations, and self care routines to help 2015 be your most aligned and amazing year yet!